US English
Conversations between two United States of America native speakers in English.
These conversations are recorded, by native United States English speakers, not having excessively heavy accents, and are engaged in general conversation.
UK English
Conversations between two United Kingdom nationals, speaking in English.
These conversations are recorded, by native United Kingdom English speakers, not having excessively heavy accents, and are engaged in general conversation.
Conversations between two French nationals, speaking in English.
These conversations are recorded, by native United Kingdom English speakers, not having excessively heavy accents, and are engaged in general conversation.
Conversations between two German nationals, speaking in English.
These conversations are recorded, by native German speakers and nationals of Germany, not having excessively heavy accents, and are engaged in general conversation.
Conversations between two Spanish nationals, speaking in English.
These conversations are recorded, by native Spanish speakers who are nationals of Spain, not having excessively heavy accents, and are engaged in general conversation.
Conversations between two Hungarian nationals, speaking in English.
These conversations are recorded, by native Hungarian speakers who are nationals of Hungary, not having excessively heavy accents, and are engaged in general conversation.